Anambra Indigenous Medicine and Herbal Practice - An Overview

Indigenous medicine and herbal practice have been relegated for so long due to the impact of modern medicine. 

Even though it birthed the idea and knowledge of modern medicine, there were wholesale uncertainty about the efficacy and reliability of natural medicine in the treatment of certain diseases. However, the recent combination of ancient knowledge with modern science to create more effective remedies through scientific methods validate indigenous medicine as not just a myth but a legitimate way of healing.

Hence, the need to collaborate with traditional medical practitioners, in bridging the gap between modern and indigenous medicine that will led to a more comprehensive approach to healthcare, one that recognizes the value of both systems and integrates them for optimal results becomes imperative.

With over 1500 registered practitioners,  Anambra State Government under the administration  Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo (CFR) has taking a definite bold step to restructure and institutionalize Indigenous Medicine and Herbal Practice (IMHP) with a face-lift through empowerment and regulation of the agency in order to expand further the health care coverage. Indigenous Medicine has, for many centuries, been part of our health culture, and if the desirable aspects of this culture are incorporated into the existing health care systems, all the stakeholders stand to benefit. It is envisaged that Indigenous Medicine would constitute one of the veritable means of promoting Health for All by the Year 2010 and beyond as enunciated in the National Health Policy. This will be in line with the Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of African Union Member States that the period of 2001 to 2010 be the Decade for African Traditional Medicine.

The vision of indigenous medicine and herbal practice continues to evolve, as new discoveries are made and new challenges arise. But its core principles remain steadfast: respect for nature, reverence for ancient wisdom, and a commitment to healing with compassion and integrity. It is a vision that offers hope and inspiration in a world that often seems chaotic and uncertain. And it is a vision that reminds us of our connection to something greater than ourselves – the earth, its plants and animals, and all living beings who share this planet with us.